Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Day of School 2013

One of the things about living in Washington State is the first day of school is AFTER Labor Day. So in August when all my family and friends are posting First Day of School photos of their kids, mine at still sitting in the pajamas playing X-box or watching movies. And by the time September rolls around they are all in the daily grind and my 1st day photos are a little late. I love getting the comments,:

"Oh you are just getting around to posting these?"  No, today is our 1st day of school....... "Really? Today? You start school in September?"  It isn't just us, most families around here start now too. "Mmmmmmm,"  Trust me people if you lived in a state where the sun shines pretty much only in August, you wouldn't be in a hurry to send them to school either. And on the flip side, my kids don't get out of school until mid-June.

So first day of School Photos:

Starting with Mac:

This is progression of my oldest son: 
Left: Last day of 5th grade
Middle: 1st day of 8th grade
Right: 1st day of 9th grade (or High School)

Next is Garrett:

Left: 1st day of 7th Grade
Right: 1st day of 8th grade

Keegan is up next:

Left: 1st day of 5th Grade
Right: 1st day of 6th grade (or Middle School)

Sullivan is next: 

Left: 1st day of Kindergarten
Right: 1st day of 1st grade

And finally Finn: 

Left: 1st day of School 2012 
Right: 1st day of School 2013

If you remember Finn is NOT starting kindergarten this year. We are waiting until NEXT year. He gets to stay at home and play...

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